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Showing results 1 to 20 of 4110

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-06-19최근 북한의 대남 ‘저강도 다발성’ 도발-
2024-06-19The Background and Development of East Germany’s Two-Nation, Two-State Theory-
2024-06-142024 Two Sessions: Direction of China’s Foreign Policy and Implications for the Korean Peninsula-
2024-06-13Analysis of North Korea’s Response to the ROK-Japan-China Summit-
2024-06-07북한 최고지도부의 ’24년 3~5월 공개활동 분석-
2024-06-07Sacrifice of North Korean Resident’s Human Rights in the Guise of Patriotism, Unity, and Loyalty-
2024-06-03북한 주민의 표현의 자유와 정보통제 실태-
2024-06-03Assessment of the China-Russia Summit and Its Effect on the Korean Peninsula-
2024-05-30동독의 2국가 2민족론의 전개 과정과 배경-
2024-05-30Analysis of Kim Jong-un’s Guidance of Defense Industry Enterprises and the New 240mm Rocket Launcher-
2024-05-29한일중 정상회의에 대한 북한의 대응 분석-
2024-05-22애국・단결, 충성으로 포장된 북한주민 인권의 희생-
2024-05-21중러 정상회담 평가 및 한반도에 미치는 영향-
2024-05-21Implications of the Disappearance of the “Day of the Sun” and April 15-
2024-05-17Analysis of North Korea’s Comprehensive Nuclear Counterattack Virtual Tactical Drill-
2024-05-14북한의 국방과학발전 및 무기체계 개발 계획: 전략적 의도와 추진체계-
2024-05-14김정은의 중요 국방공업기업소 현지지도 및 240mm 신형방사포 분석-
2024-05-13Chinese Delegation’s Visit to North Korea and Future Prospects of China-DPRK Relations-
2024-05-03White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2023-
2024-05-03사라진 태양절과 ‘4.15’의 함의-