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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-03-07Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between South Korea and Cuba, and Unification Diplomacy-
2024-03-04COI Report: Direction and Challenges for North Korean Human Rights Policies-
2024-02-20중국 지린성 북한 해외노동자 집단 파업 사태의 함의:해외 파견 노예노동의 위기-
2024-02-29Background and Implications of North Korea’s Participation in19th Non-Aligned Movement Summit and 3rd South Summit: Political Use of Global South-
2024-02-28김정은 시대 북한의 청년들:순응과 자립 사이, 국가와 시장을 횡단하기-
2024-02-28중.러.북 연대 가능성과 우리의 대응 전략-
2024-02-26The Status and Implications of North Korea’s Trade with China in 2023: Challenging Outlook for Trade Expansion-
2024-02-22Analysis and Implications of the 10th Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly: based on Policy Shift toward South Korea and Budgetary and Economic Policies-
2024-02-02“20x10 Regional Development Policy”: Background and Implications-
2024-02-16Implications of BRICS Expansion: BRICS Identity Change and Expansion into the MENA Region-
2024-02-15COI 보고서 발표 10주년: 북한인권정책 추진 방향과 과제-
2024-02-15중국 UPR을 통한 탈북민 보호 방안 논의-
2024-01-11Analysis of Kim, Jong-un’s Designation of ‘Republic of Korea as Primary Foe’ and Inspection of Major Military Factories-
2024-02-07북한의 SDGs 이행을 위한 역량 접근과 공동 성과-
2024-01-15After the Taiwan Election: Potential Taiwan Strait Crisis and South Korea’s Response-
2024-02-022024 한반도 정세 전망-
2024-01-18Significance and Necessity of Establishing a ‘North Korean Defectors’ Day’-
2024-01-31North Korea’s Announcement of Two States and Efforts for Peaceful Unification which Must be Continued-
2023International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Vol. 32 No. 2-
2023통일정책연구 제32권 2호-
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